четверг, 7 февраля 2013 г.

Pleasure Reading №4

Chapters 25-31

The Carrie’s dreams about happiness with Hurstwood failed completely after she had known about his family. She could not believe that he deceived her and was a reason to break up relationship with Drouet. Mr. Hurstwood, in his turn, left home but had to send money to the wife. His desire to be with Caroline forced and he made attempts to see her. One night, being the last worker at the office, he found amount of money and after doubts stole them. This decision meant a new life for him in a new city and the man was ready for it only with Carrie. To make her go with him, Mr. Hurstwood lied that Mr. Drouet was badly injured in an accident and the woman immediately went with him understanding nothing.
Doubts came in the Carrie’s mind at the railway station and only in a train to Destroyed everything became clear for her. Mr. Hurstwood explained his intentions to her having missed money and his possible arrest. Caroline could not oppose him for a long time and agreed to go to Destroyed and then to Montreal and New York. In Montreal a detective found them and suggested Mr. Hurstwood to return money and quietly leave Canada to New York. The man agreed and that money problem disappeared. The couple held a course to New York and settled there, by the way, they got married and to do it Mr. Hurstwood had to change his name.
After a year in a new city Caroline began to feel her life as not interesting and boring one and meeting with her new neighbour made her absolutely sure in it. Hurstwood found a job and even had success. Their love did not blind them more and the couple began to notice vices in each other. The man sent all time at work, the woman wanted to go out and communicate with people. Mr. and Mrs. Vance helped her to deal with the boring life by inviting to theatres and walks. 

1 комментарий:

  1. Good

    - She could not believe that he deceived her and THERE was a reason..
    - after doubts stole IT.
    - and even had A success..
    - The man SPENT all time at work...
